Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recession = Good news for Critters

While the housing crunch is in full swing and home building projects are down it is with hope that MAYBE more and more Florida Panther habitats (native) will continue to remain undeveloped.

The last time I was in Florida I remember feeling disgusted and outraged when asked why so many trees were burning. Thinking the reply would be "wildfires" turned out to be the developers making way for more homes and businesses. But...there were swamps in there. "That's OK. They'll fill it in with sand and soil and clay..." Really? Is that what you REALLY do?

Nothing but bad news for the 'gators, critters, and panthers.

I also remember walking across a bridge at a wildlife refuge along the intercoastal waters and spotting maybe 3 or 4 manatees. Such graceful creatures. I nearly wanted to plunge in to swim with them but...thinking about it...I didn't want to be like the builders and destroy the sensitive relationship among the wild things.

To me, though the "recession" has folks in an uproar I am thankful it has caused us to stop spreading our destructive fingers into the lands that are not ours. We haven't learned to co-exist responsibly and, until then, let the recession continue.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nothing like the morning rain

Taking a deep breath this morning...doors and windows are open...nice cool breeze is moving through the house...birds are chirping...jays are squacking...

It's raining outside and I LOVE it when it rains. Of course, I don't like to be out in it unless I have my handy dandy hooded sweater on.  Maybe.

Of course, I can be one of those chicks that fears "I'mmm meelllltiiing...OHHHHHhhh IIIiiiIIImmmm mellllltinnnng...." and then my beautiful hair <cough> <cough> flattens on the top of my head. 

Dang! I should have used that frizz and humid-defying hair spray! Or is that glue????

Or, like the experience my daughter and I had visiting a lake in Arizona. We were watching some Canada Geese circle overhead as a thunderstorm was moving in. She and I had no place to run because the car was parked WAAAAAAYY over there. Thunder rolled in like an ocean tide. Lightning flahsed like a disco ball. Wind picked up like a heavy duty wind machine and the rain came down like we were standing under Sitting Bull Falls (nears Carlsbad, NM). We were getting drenched! We both stood in the cover of a thorny palo verde tree laughing our heads off, shivering, and squeeling with delight. It was the greatest thing ever!  Better than candy!  No. Better yet! Better than a Starbucks, no-foam, non-fat milk, 190 degree latte!  Make that a venti! 

She and I stood in the arms of the tree for a while. Not feeling too comfortable when a pokey thing sticks you in the rear. But, there were more hysterics (why must that sound like something that's NOT funny?) going on than ouch moments.

I don't know how long we stood there. But I know it had to be a while. She and I continued to laugh, jump up and down, holler and hoot, danced around the shoreline and about fell in a few times. Yeahh..I know...not supposed to be near water when there is lightning.  Well, if we were to die that afternoon then what a better way to go than to die while having an outdoor rain party!

The rain did not let up. Neither did we.

For nearly an hour we celebrated with the herons, egrets, geese, grackles, the mutt ducks, and every other bird that happened to be nearby.

So, you see, I can handle the rain. Even if it means I do get a little wet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tonight the wind speaks
ancient mystics beat the thunder drum
spirit cloud gives offerings to Mother Earth

The Yellow Circle
Sends its warmth
across the moonlit plains

Brother Coyote greets me
with his crooked smile

Eagle Feather rises from his hunt
with Broken Arrow

We shall feast tonight

Bring on the Three Sisters,
Corn, Bean, and Squash.

Sacred dances and vision quests
will fill the sky with Ceremonial voices.

Close your eyes
images will soon gather
as you dream of White Bear and her cubs
keeping your warm.

Maybe, just maybe

Maybe, just maybe one of these nights I'll get to bed before the sun rises. Tomorrow I have a wonderful meeting with Mr. Hillsman at the Blackwater Draw Museum. What a nice man he is. He reminds me of Poppa Smurf with hairy ears and earrings. Last week he brought me a warm cinnamon roll and we chatted about the history of the land surrounding the museum.  Interesting.  Muy interesante.

OH! I am taking a short drive to the Oasis State Park to volunteer as an interpretive ranger/curriculum designer. I am so excited! I think I'll be a turkey vulture that ________ on itself to keep cool. 


Hey! I'm nature chick! I can say things like that. Part of the statement is true. Turkey vultures winky tinky on themselves to cool off. No wonder you'll see the vultures standing on top of bare trees, wings spread out, head cocked to the side, and looking like it's half asleep. It's comfy, mom!!!!  LOL!

I love my life! 

Thank God for the opportunities he's given me. Now, I must pass on his glory through what I'm learning because Christians can be environmentalists/naturalists too! 
Let's try this size.

Hmmm....hmmm...I see...yessss.....ohhhh....Yep. Looks good.


Greetings, Earthlings


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I just love this stuff!