Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tonight the wind speaks
ancient mystics beat the thunder drum
spirit cloud gives offerings to Mother Earth

The Yellow Circle
Sends its warmth
across the moonlit plains

Brother Coyote greets me
with his crooked smile

Eagle Feather rises from his hunt
with Broken Arrow

We shall feast tonight

Bring on the Three Sisters,
Corn, Bean, and Squash.

Sacred dances and vision quests
will fill the sky with Ceremonial voices.

Close your eyes
images will soon gather
as you dream of White Bear and her cubs
keeping your warm.

1 comment:

  1. yes, I feel a deep connection to earth, nature, early peoples, and the spirit world. But not in a New Age sense. More of a great appreciation that leads me back to wanting to know God more. At the same time, I want to read what really happened during the formative years of our early gov't that decided it was OK to slaughter the natives. They weren't savages, as the 'white man' would have others to believe. I have an answer..but I must do some research first because it's not what I was told or lead to believe by others.
