Monday, October 25, 2010

Christian Environmentalism

The news media is full of stories concerning environmental disasters of one kind or another, from global warming to endangered species to destruction of the rain forests to nuclear accidents. It is not hard to notice that the environmental issue receives very little attention in Christian circles. There are so many other significant issues that occupy our attention that we seem to think of the environment as somebody else's issue. Many Christians are openly skeptical of the reality of any environmental crisis. It is viewed as a liberal issue, or New Age propaganda, or just plain unimportant since this earth will be destroyed after the millennium. What we fail to realize is that Christians have a sacred responsibility to the earth and the creatures within it. The earth is being affected by humans in an unprecedented manner, and we do not know what the short or long term effects will be.

The Seven Degradations of the Earth

Calvin DeWitt, in his book The Environment and the Christian, lists seven degradations of the earth. First, land is being converted from wilderness to agricultural use and from agricultural use to urban areas at an ever-increasing rate. Some of these lands cannot be reclaimed at all, at least not in the near future.
Second, as many as three species a day become extinct. Once a species has disappeared, it is gone. Neither the species nor the role it occupied in the ecosystem can be retrieved.
Third, land continues to be degraded by the use of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers. Just because DDT is no longer used does not mean that potentially harmful chemicals are not being used in its place.
Fourth, the treatment of hazardous chemicals and wastes continues as an unsolved problem. Hazardous chemicals seep into water sources from previously buried dumping grounds.
Fifth, pollution is rapidly becoming a global problem. Human garbage turns up on the shores of uninhabited South Pacific islands, far from the shipping lanes, and DDT has been found in Antarctic penguins.
Sixth, our atmosphere appears to be changing. Is it warming due to the increase of gases like carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels? Is the ozone layer shrinking due to the use of chemicals contained in refrigerators, air conditioners, spray cans, and fire extinguishers? Though these questions cannot be answered easily, they must be asked.
Seventh, we are losing the experiences of cultures that have lived in harmony with the creation for hundreds or even thousands years. Cultures such as the Mennonites and Amish, as well as those of the rain forests, are crowded out by the expansion of civilization.
Never before have human beings wielded so much power over God's creation. Do we know what we are doing?

The Environmental Ethics of Naturalism and Pantheism

Some people have blamed Western culture's Judeo-Christian heritage for the environmental crisis. These critics point squarely at Genesis 1:26-28, where God commands His new creation, man, to have dominion over the earth and to rule and subdue it. This mandate is seen as a clear license to exploit the earth for man's own purposes. With this kind of philosophy, they ask, how can the earth ever be saved? While I will deal with the inaccuracy of this interpretation a little later in this article, you can see why many of the leaders in the environmental movement are calling for a radical shift away from this Christian position. But what are the alternatives?
The need to survive provides a rationale for environmental concern within an evolutionary or naturalistic world view. Survival of the human species is the ultimate value. Man cannot continue to survive without a healthy planet. We must act to preserve the earth in order to assure the future of our children.
The evolutionary or naturalistic view of nature is, however, ultimately pragmatic. That is, nature has value only as long as we need it. The value of nature is contingent on the whim of egotistical man. If, as technology increases, we are able to artificially reproduce portions of the ecosystem for our survival needs, then certain aspects of nature lose their significance. We no longer need them to survive. This view is ultimately destructive, because man will possess only that which he needs. The rest of nature can be discarded.
Another alternative is the pantheistic or new age world view. Superficially, this view offers some hope. All of nature is equal because all is god and god is all. Nature is respected and valued because it is part of the essence of god. If humans have value, then nature has value.
But while pantheism elevates nature, it simultaneously degrades man and will ultimately degrade nature as well. To the pantheist, man has no more value than a blade of grass. In India the rats and cows consume needed grain and spread disease with the blessings of the pantheists. To restrict the rats and cows would be to restrict god, so man takes second place to the rats and cows. Man is a part of nature, yet it is man that is being restricted. So ultimately, all of nature is degraded.
Pantheism claims that what is, is right. To clean up the environment would mean eliminating the "undesirable" elements. But, since god is all and in all, how can there be any undesirable elements? Pantheism fails because it makes no distinctions between man and nature.

The Christian Environmental Ethic

A true Christian environmental ethic differs from the naturalistic and pantheistic ethics in that it is based on the reality of God as Creator and man as his image-bearer and steward. God is the Creator of nature, not part of nature. He transcends nature (Gen. 1-2; Job 38-41; Ps. 19, 24, and 104; Rom 1:18-20; Col. 1:16-17). All of nature, including man, is equal in its origin. Nature has value in and of itself because God created it. Nature's value is intrinsic; it will not change because the fact of its creation will not change. The rock, the tree, and the cat deserve our respect because God made them to be as they are.
While man is a creature and therefore is identified with the other creatures, he is also created in God's image. It is this image that separates humans from the rest of creation (Gen. 1:26-27; Ps. 139:13-16). God did not bestow His image anywhere else in nature. Therefore, while a cat has value because God created it, it is inappropriate to romanticize the cat as though it had human emotions. All God's creatures glorify Him by their very existence, but only one is able to worship and serve Him by an act of the will.
But a responsibility goes along with bearing the image of God. In its proper sense, man's rule and dominion over the earth is that of a steward or a caretaker, not a reckless exploiter. Man is not sovereign over the lower orders of creation. Ownership is in the hands of the Lord.
God told Adam and Eve to cultivate and keep the garden (Gen. 2:15), and we may certainly use nature for our benefit, but we may only use it as God intends. An effective steward understands that which he oversees, and science can help us discover the intricacies of nature. Technology puts the creation to man's use, but unnecessary waste and pollution degrades it and spoils the creation's ability to give glorify to its creator. I think it is helpful to realize that we are to exercise dominion over nature not as though we are entitled to exploit it but as something borrowed or held in trust. Recall that in the parable of the talents in Matthew 25, the steward who merely buried his talent out of fear of losing it was severely chastised. What little he did have was taken away and given to those who already had a great deal. When Christ returns, His earth may well be handed back to Him rusted, corroded, polluted, and ugly. To what degree will you or I be held responsible?

Abuse of Dominion

While God intended us to live in harmony with nature, we have more often than not been at odds with nature. This reality tells us that man has not fulfilled his mandate. The source of our ecological crisis lies in man's fallen nature and the abuse of his dominion. Man is a rebel who has set himself at the center of the universe. Man has exploited created things as though they were nothing in themselves and as though he has an autonomous right to do so. Man's abuse of his dominion becomes clear when we look at the value we place on time and money. Our often uncontrolled greed and haste have led to the deterioration of the environment. We evaluate projects almost exclusively in terms of their potential impact on humans. For instance, builders know that it is faster and more cost effective to bulldoze trees that are growing on the site of a proposed subdivision than it is to build the houses around them. Even if the uprooted trees are replaced with saplings once the houses are constructed, the loss of the mature trees enhances erosion, eliminates a means of absorbing pollutants, producing oxygen, and providing shade, and produces a scar that heals slowly if at all. Building around the trees, while more expensive and time-consuming, minimizes the destructive impact of human society on God's earth. But, because of man's sinful heart, the first option has been utilized more often than not.
Christians we must treat nature as having value in itself, and we must be careful to exercise dominion without being destructive. The Bible contains numerous examples of the care with which we are expected to treat the environment. Leviticus 25:1-12 speaks of the care Israel was to have for the land. Deuteronomy 25:4 and 22:6 indicate the proper care for domestic animals and a respect for wildlife. In Isaiah 5:8-10 the Lord judges those who have misused the land. Job 38:25-28 and Psalm 104:27-30 speak of God's nurture and care for His creation. And Jesus spoke on two occasions of how much the Father cared for even the smallest sparrow (MATT. 6:26, 10:29).

Christian Responsibility

I believe that as Christians, we have a responsibility to the earth that exceeds that of unredeemed people. We are the only ones who are rightly related to the Creator. We should be showing others the way to environmental responsibility.
Christians of all people should not be destroyers. We may cut down a tree to build a house or to make a fire, but not just to cut it down. We have the right to rid our house of ants, but we should not forget to honor the ant in its right habitat. While there is nothing wrong with profit in the marketplace, in some cases we must voluntarily limit our profit in order to protect the environment.
When the church puts belief into practice, our humanity and sense of beauty are restored. But this is not what we see. Concern for the environment is not on the front-burner of most evangelical Christians. The church has failed in its mission of steward of the earth. We have spoken out loudly against the materialism of science as expressed in the issues of abortion, human dignity, evolution, and genetic engineering, but have shown ourselves to be little more than materialists in our technological orientation towards nature.
By failing to fulfill our responsibilities to the earth, we are losing a great evangelistic opportunity. Many in our society are seeking an improved environment, yet they think that most Christians don't care about ecological issues and that most churches offer no opportunity for involvement.
Because the environmental movement has been co-opted by those involved in the New Age Movement, many Christians have begun to confuse interest in the environment with interest in pantheism and have hesitated to get involved. But we cannot allow the enemy to take over leadership in an area that is rightfully ours. As the redeemed of the earth, our motivation to care for the land is even higher than that of the New Ager. Jesus has redeemed all of the effects of the curse, including our relationship with God, our relationship with other people and our relationship with the creation (1 Cor. 15:21-22, Rom. 5:12-21). Though the heavens and the earth will eventually be destroyed, we should still work for healing now.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Let Children Run

Children need to run wild in the open fields of nature. The freedom to choose any path, jump over any cactus, or dig for invertebrates are a few of the things children need to experience. Let's not tell them "Don't get your shoes muddy!" Or, "You can't pick up snakes!" Or, "Don't get dirty!" Are we so afraid that children will do all three, heaven forbid, and create so much fun for themselves that we simply cannot and will not tolerate it? Leave kids alone for once during school hours. Good grief! Quit freaking out over a year-old Checkered garter snake that's the size of a No. 2 pencil. Quit freaking out over a snapping turtle that is being held by someone 20 feet away.  When children see you respond that way they will adopt the same reactions/responses. If you're going to be that kind of person, "DON'T", then maybe you need to find a new profession. You certainly don't belong in the classroom teaching.

Let the children run!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Connecting children to nature through art

I believe one of the best places to teach children is outdoors. Their senses are flooded with woody scents, wet soil, sweet flowers, melodious birds, cotton candy-looking clouds, blue sky, warm sun on the skin, and the list goes on. Children see things different than adults. And it's interesting to listen to them as they swoon over worms and caterpillars and squished toads in the road. Though the latter might be considered "grotesque" it does, however, present the opportunity to teach about anatomy and physiology according to what is visible. Boys, especially, would appreciate the poking and prying away the broken skin to reveal muscle groups. And what child doesn't enjoy poking the eyeballs?  UGHHHH! You might think. Well, to those of you with squeezy stomach may not appreciate such a learning opportunity. However, my observations and experience tell me when the door opens for teaching something new you had better walk through it. Otherwise, when the door closes you may not have another chance to present such a topic.

One of the other things I have experienced while teaching art is that children will gobble up information while their hands are gooey with glue and paint. While they are busy with creating a Sahara desert critter you can tell them all about the Sahara desert. Pick something and just go with it. The kids will listen. Prompt them with questions that encourage free-thinking. I like to call it "inquiry-based" learning. Children will talk about what they know as well as present hypothesis/theories based on questions they ask that they may or may not have the answer for. Thus, another opportunity to teach something new: Scientific experiments, scientific writings, research, and the power of observation. So much more, of course, can be taught. But don't turn it into drudge work because kids will KNOW right away you're trying to put them into a box that makes them feel like they've returned to the confines of the classroom. Instead, one bite at a time. Just little blurbs here and there will keep them interested. Later on you can pull the information all together to create a scientific paper.

But what does that have to do with art? Everything. Children enjoy working, talking, collaborating, and having fun. When they are relaxed they learn more. Art is a way to open up their world to something new or old that they may not have recognized before. Art opens the mind. Remember, it's not about the finished product. It's about the process. The process of learning is more important than the item produced.

There's much more to it but I wanted to share the jest of the things that are on my mind.

Waking up the brain poor little head!

Have you ever had one of those crazy days where you were supposed to write something but the pressure inside your head to find the RIGHT words just couldn't be found? Instead words just ran as far away from you as they possibly could.

That's me this morning. I need to put together a short paper about paleo-indians that traversed up and down the southern high plains like a bunch of wild heathens chasing after mammoths and bisons. How on earth are you supposed to write THAT without sounding so juvenile?

Sometimes I just have to get my fingers warmed up, brain warmed up, arms warmed find the words I need to use to pull together an awesome paper.  DANG!

Ohhh...laundry is done.

Laundry. Laundry. So much fun.

Laundry. Laundry. Drying in the sun.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Life is grand.

I love nature! I love my life! My kids are wonderful and great!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Time flies

I love nature. And when you fall in love with something or someone time sure does fly by. No, it's not been anyone. Or anything. But with nature. I have been blessed with several opportunities to go out and see places I would have otherwise past on by without any thoughts to what was beyond the corn and milo fields. And here I thought nothing interesting existed outside of Clovis, NM. I was wrong.

So much is going on so, right at this moment, I should be waking up my daughter instead of writing because she has school (and so do I).

But, I shall return all you nature dudes and dudettes.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Recession = Good news for Critters

While the housing crunch is in full swing and home building projects are down it is with hope that MAYBE more and more Florida Panther habitats (native) will continue to remain undeveloped.

The last time I was in Florida I remember feeling disgusted and outraged when asked why so many trees were burning. Thinking the reply would be "wildfires" turned out to be the developers making way for more homes and businesses. But...there were swamps in there. "That's OK. They'll fill it in with sand and soil and clay..." Really? Is that what you REALLY do?

Nothing but bad news for the 'gators, critters, and panthers.

I also remember walking across a bridge at a wildlife refuge along the intercoastal waters and spotting maybe 3 or 4 manatees. Such graceful creatures. I nearly wanted to plunge in to swim with them but...thinking about it...I didn't want to be like the builders and destroy the sensitive relationship among the wild things.

To me, though the "recession" has folks in an uproar I am thankful it has caused us to stop spreading our destructive fingers into the lands that are not ours. We haven't learned to co-exist responsibly and, until then, let the recession continue.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Nothing like the morning rain

Taking a deep breath this morning...doors and windows are open...nice cool breeze is moving through the house...birds are chirping...jays are squacking...

It's raining outside and I LOVE it when it rains. Of course, I don't like to be out in it unless I have my handy dandy hooded sweater on.  Maybe.

Of course, I can be one of those chicks that fears "I'mmm meelllltiiing...OHHHHHhhh IIIiiiIIImmmm mellllltinnnng...." and then my beautiful hair <cough> <cough> flattens on the top of my head. 

Dang! I should have used that frizz and humid-defying hair spray! Or is that glue????

Or, like the experience my daughter and I had visiting a lake in Arizona. We were watching some Canada Geese circle overhead as a thunderstorm was moving in. She and I had no place to run because the car was parked WAAAAAAYY over there. Thunder rolled in like an ocean tide. Lightning flahsed like a disco ball. Wind picked up like a heavy duty wind machine and the rain came down like we were standing under Sitting Bull Falls (nears Carlsbad, NM). We were getting drenched! We both stood in the cover of a thorny palo verde tree laughing our heads off, shivering, and squeeling with delight. It was the greatest thing ever!  Better than candy!  No. Better yet! Better than a Starbucks, no-foam, non-fat milk, 190 degree latte!  Make that a venti! 

She and I stood in the arms of the tree for a while. Not feeling too comfortable when a pokey thing sticks you in the rear. But, there were more hysterics (why must that sound like something that's NOT funny?) going on than ouch moments.

I don't know how long we stood there. But I know it had to be a while. She and I continued to laugh, jump up and down, holler and hoot, danced around the shoreline and about fell in a few times. Yeahh..I know...not supposed to be near water when there is lightning.  Well, if we were to die that afternoon then what a better way to go than to die while having an outdoor rain party!

The rain did not let up. Neither did we.

For nearly an hour we celebrated with the herons, egrets, geese, grackles, the mutt ducks, and every other bird that happened to be nearby.

So, you see, I can handle the rain. Even if it means I do get a little wet.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tonight the wind speaks
ancient mystics beat the thunder drum
spirit cloud gives offerings to Mother Earth

The Yellow Circle
Sends its warmth
across the moonlit plains

Brother Coyote greets me
with his crooked smile

Eagle Feather rises from his hunt
with Broken Arrow

We shall feast tonight

Bring on the Three Sisters,
Corn, Bean, and Squash.

Sacred dances and vision quests
will fill the sky with Ceremonial voices.

Close your eyes
images will soon gather
as you dream of White Bear and her cubs
keeping your warm.

Maybe, just maybe

Maybe, just maybe one of these nights I'll get to bed before the sun rises. Tomorrow I have a wonderful meeting with Mr. Hillsman at the Blackwater Draw Museum. What a nice man he is. He reminds me of Poppa Smurf with hairy ears and earrings. Last week he brought me a warm cinnamon roll and we chatted about the history of the land surrounding the museum.  Interesting.  Muy interesante.

OH! I am taking a short drive to the Oasis State Park to volunteer as an interpretive ranger/curriculum designer. I am so excited! I think I'll be a turkey vulture that ________ on itself to keep cool. 


Hey! I'm nature chick! I can say things like that. Part of the statement is true. Turkey vultures winky tinky on themselves to cool off. No wonder you'll see the vultures standing on top of bare trees, wings spread out, head cocked to the side, and looking like it's half asleep. It's comfy, mom!!!!  LOL!

I love my life! 

Thank God for the opportunities he's given me. Now, I must pass on his glory through what I'm learning because Christians can be environmentalists/naturalists too! 
Let's try this size.

Hmmm....hmmm...I see...yessss.....ohhhh....Yep. Looks good.


Greetings, Earthlings


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I just love this stuff!